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View completed projects on this district map. And keep reading for a narrative recap of what we've been working on.


Midtown 13th Street New Traffic Signals - With an effort to create safe intersection crossings for people walking, biking, taking transit, driving, and using shareable mobility devices, three new traffic signals have been installed on 13th Street and are operational.

Midtown Activity Center (Last Mile) Project - 5 new traffic signals and 2 pedestrian signals have been installed and are fully operational. Many other intersections received refreshed crosswalks and new ADA curb ramps.


Midtown Art Walk - Phase 1 substantial completion occurred in December 2023. Recently, a new mural and pavement markings went in at 10th Street crosswalk and 11th Street intersection. The City’s major water main break at West Peachtree Street and 11th Street in late May required emergency repair work in the intersection of Peachtree Walk and 11th Street. The City plans to return to the site to restore the materials in-kind to the state of Art Walk improvements prior to the incident.


Sidewalk Improvements (Annual Program) - From November 2014 to November 2022, Midtown Alliance performed $1,550,000 worth of sidewalk repairs in approximately 350 locations within and funded by the Midtown Improvement District (MID). Work included patching or replacing concrete, resetting pavers, new curb and ADA ramp upgrades, and other sidewalk repairs to help maintain and improve pedestrian mobility in Midtown.

10th Street Temporary Park enhancements wrapped up in November 2022 and were celebrated with a kickoff "Tailgate" event$350k worth of improvements created a series of 3 outdoor “rooms:” one for games, one with a climbable structure, and one with a fenced dog park. Woof!

Commercial Row Commons plaza (at Peachtree Street and Peachtree Place) officially opened in August 2022 with a dedication by the City and a community launch party to celebrate the new space. This $1.265M project funded by MID created a new public space by realigning the intersection of Peachtree Street and Peachtree Place and repurposing 9 on-street parking spaces. Scope included utility burial, new sidewalks and hardscape plaza, rebuilding the landscaped road median, overhead catenary system for art in plaza, lighting, ADA upgrades, pavement resurfacing and restriping, lush landscaping and canopy trees, and installation of the Sole Sitter art piece provided by the City of Atlanta.​

Spring Street Parklets - Two parklets located on the west side of Spring Street between 8th Street and Peachtree Place opened to the public in July 2022. The parklets (constructed with $165k MID funds) are expansions of sidewalk space into adjacent on-street parking spaces that were rendered inaccessible when the City of Atlanta installed the protected bike lane in this area of Spring Street in 2021.

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program) - Because we place tremendous value on Midtown's urban tree canopy, Midtown Alliance invests (MID funds) in an annual care regimen of planting, nutrition, pruning, and other treatments to manage over 2,700 street trees within the public right-of-way in the Midtown Improvement District. We regularly consult with arborists to assess, prioritize, and manage our tree inventory.

Planting:  Midtown Alliance continually identifies diseased, dying, or missing street trees within the public right-of-way in the MID and once per year we replace them with new, healthy, urban-tolerant trees.  In March 2022, our contractor planted 15 replacement trees (totaling 62 caliper inches) at various right-of-way locations, along with groundcover plants and mulch. 

Nutrition:  Each of the over 2,700 street trees that Midtown Alliance cares for are fertilized an average of once every three years.  In December 2021, Midtown's arborist administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 978 street trees totaling 8,219 total caliper trunk inches. The trees are located within the public right-of-way south of 14th St, north of 8th St, east of Williams St, and west of Piedmont Ave.

Pruning:  We annually identify and prioritize corridors and individual street trees within the MID in need of pruning. Pruning enhances public safety and helps ensure healthy structure, growth, and long-term viability of the trees within our urban environment. In February and March 2022 our contracted arborist completed dormant season pruning on two very large oak trees at W. Peachtree and 3rd Streets and 139 selected trees on the following corridors:  Peachtree St; West Peachtree St; Spring St; Crescent Ave; Arts Center Way; North Ave; 7th St; and 11th St. We also recently pruned trees blocking views of traffic signals at several intersections. What else can we say, we love urban trees!


Construction began in June 2021 for $600k (MID funds) worth of hardscape and landscape maintenance and improvements on the Southwest Corner and the Southeast Corner of the 15th Street Arts District Plaza. Work was substantially complete in December 2021.

Major Tree Planting Project Took Place in Midtown in the first quarter of 2021. More details and locations here.


One-Way to Two-Way Street Conversions (3rd, 4th, 13th Streets) - The MID invested $1.3M to convert the remaining segments of 3rd Street, 4th Street and 13th Street from one-way to two-way traffic.

  • Work was completed in late March 2020 to convert 13th Street between Juniper St. and Piedmont Ave to two-way operation, including reconstruction of sidewalk and driveway aprons on the north side of the street to meet ADA; milling, resurfacing and restriping of the roadway; and signage to support two-way vehicle traffic.
  • Late-May 2020 improvements on 3rd St and 4th St. included installing two new traffic signals on Peachtree Street and milling and resurfacing the roadways. During the first week of June, 4th St from Spring St. to Myrtle St. was converted to two-way operation and includes two new curb ramps for a new mid-block crosswalk between Juniper and Peachtree Streets.
  • The remaining segments of 3rd St. (Spring St. to West Peachtree St. and Peachtree St. to Juniper St.) were converted to two-way operation in early June 2020. 

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program)

Planting:  In January 2020, Midtown's contractor planted 31 replacement trees (totaling 110 caliper inches) in the right-of-way, along with groundcover plants and mulch. 

Nutrition:  In January 2020 Midtown's arborist administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 859 street trees totaling 7,952 caliper inches.  The trees are located with the right-of-way north of Pine St, south of 8th St, east of Williams St, and west of Juniper St.

Pruning:  In January to March 2020, dormant season pruning was performed on 250 trees on the following corridors:  Spring St from Abercrombie Pl to Peachtree Pl; 14th St from Fowler St to Piedmont Ave; West Peachtree St from 15th St to Peachtree Rd; and the block of 16th St from Arts Center Way to Peachtree St, along with a few other prioritized trees.


Pedestrian and vehicular improvements to five Peachtree Street intersections:  $1.59M investment including $1.13M MID and $458K Renew Atlanta Council District 2 funds. Scope included curb, sidewalk and paver repairs; replacement of ADA ramps and crosswalks; pavement milling, resurfacing and restriping; and conversion of traffic signals to mast arms where needed. The intersections are:  14th Street @ Peachtree (City); 15th Street @ Peachtree (City); Peachtree Circle @ Peachtree (GDOT); Buford-Spring Connector @ Peachtree (GDOT); and Deering Road @ Peachtree (GDOT) which also included gateway enhancements such as new fencing, lighting, crosswalks and landscaping.

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program):

Planting:  In January 2019, 12 new trees were sourced from nurseries and installed, along with groundcover plants and mulch. 

Nutrition:  In February 2019 we administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 709 trees totaling 6,536 caliper inches located north of and including 14th Street.

Pruning:  Dormant season pruning was conducted in December 2018 through February 2019 on the following street trees:  93 American Elms on Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets north of Beverly Rd., on Juniper St. from North Ave. to 12th St., on 18th St., 11th St. and Crescent Ave., and on 10th St. from Williams St. to Juniper St.; and 66 Nuttall Oaks on Peachtree St. from 16th St. to the I-75/I-85 Bridge. Lacebark Elms on West Peachtree from Ponce De Leon to 18th Street and on 14th street between Williams Street and Barnes Street were also trimmed.


TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program):

Planting:  In March 2018, 7 new trees were sourced from nurseries and installed, along with groundcover plants and mulch.

Nutrition:  In January, we administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 1,337 trees totaling 11,715 caliper inches. 

Pruning:  Dormant season pruning was completed in Feb-March 2018 on 57 selected trees, including:  Ponce Triangle Park; oaks on North Ave between the Connector and Spring St; elms on Ponce de Leon Ave between Peachtree and Juniper; baldcypress and maples on 12th Street between Crescent and Peachtree Walk; and elms on 17th St between the Connector and W.Peachtree.


Peachtree Street, North Bridge Enhancements

Concurrently, Midtown Alliance and Central Atlanta Progress (CAP)/Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID), directed a $6 million enhancement of the two Peachtree Street bridges which cross over the Interstate-75/85 Connector near the Brookwood split and Ralph McGill Boulevard respectively.  This effort celebrated the bridges on either end of Midtown as gateways to Atlanta's urban core.  Construction on the North Bridge began in Fall 2015 and was completed by the end of 2017.

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program):

Planting:  In January 2017, 28 new trees were sourced from nurseries and installed, along with groundcover plants and mulch.  16 more replacement street trees were installed in December 2017.

Nutrition:  In February, we administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 822 trees totaling 6,500 caliper inches. 

Pruning:  Dormant season pruning was completed in March 2017 on Oak and Elm trees in the W.Peachtree and Spring St. corridors.  In December 2017 pruning resumed for the balance of 124 prioritized Oak trees along Peachtree and 15th Streets and additional Elm trees on Cypress St. to improve their structure and form and raise branch levels over streets and sidewalks.


Crescent Avenue Streetscape Upgrades - This small repair project replaced cracked and damaged sidewalks; integrated new ADA ramps, street trees and groundcover at the northwest corner of 12th St.; improved parking/loading zones; and replaced ADA ramps, pavement, crosswalks, and other striping at Crescent's intersection with 14th St.  Construction was completed from October through December 2016.  See full plans here.

Peachtree Streetscape:  Ponce de Leon to Pine St. - From November 2015 through August 2016, construction of improvements to Midtown’s southernmost section of Peachtree St. (from Ponce de Leon Avenue to Pine Street) was completed to enhance the link between Midtown and Downtown Atlanta.  This $2 million project included new wider sidewalks; pavers; curbs; ADA ramps; street light upgrades; street furniture; street trees and other landscape plantings; full roadway milling, re-paving, and re-striping; and a mid-block signalized pedestrian crossing near Emory University Hospital Midtown.

7th Street Two-way Conversion - The Connect Atlanta Plan calls for 7th Street to be converted to two-way traffic between West Peachtree Street and Piedmont Avenue for which Atlanta City Council passed legislation in 2013.  Acting as the City's implementation manager, Midtown Alliance oversaw design, obtained permits, and implemented the various components of the project -- ADA ramps; miscellaneous signage; roadway milling, re-paving and new striping; and installation of new eastbound traffic signals at Peachtree St., Juniper St., and Piedmont Ave.  Traffic flow was converted from one-way to two-way on July 28, and City inspections and project closeout was completed in August 2016.

10th Street Temporary Park Expansion - Completed in Spring 2016, the temporary park at the corner of 10th Street and Peachtree Street was expanded to include new landscaping and seating. Originally constructed in 2013, the park also features a badminton net and is anchored by 10-ton kinetic art installation Rockspinner. The expansion has doubled the park in size, making more room to play street-side.

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program):

Planting:  In March 2016, we replaced 6 trees and transplanted 7 small trees from existing tree wells and a parcel slated for redevelopment to new locations better-suited for their long-term survival.

Nutrition:  In February, we administered annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 1,337 street trees totaling 11,047 caliper inches, nearly DOUBLE the inches treated in 2015. 

Pruning:  In December 2015 to January 2016, crews pruned Oak trees along Peachtree St. between 14th St. and I-75/85 and American Elms throughout the District, to improve their structure and form and raise branch levels over streets and sidewalks.


10th Streetscape - Completed in November 2015, this multi-year $2 million project installed new sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian lighting, landscaped medians, curbs, street paving, bike facilities, and ADA upgrades between Williams Street and Piedmont Avenue.  Other improvements included a new signalized mid-block pedestrian crossing at the Midtown MARTA Station and burial of overhead utilities.

Stormwater Planters at Juniper & 5th - Construction of the "pilot bioswale" precursor project for Juniper Streetscape was completed in August to September 2015.  Two trial stormwater planters and associated sidewalk improvements were built on the southwest corner of Juniper and 5th Streets.  These custom-engineered detention basins house landscape plants that tolerate both wet and dry conditions and act as natural filtration systems. Stormwater from the adjacent roadways and sidewalks is being channeled into each planter, detained, and monitored for percolation rate and water quality improvement to help inform future design and maintenance needs for the Juniper Streetscape project.

10th Street Cycle Track (Phases 1 and 2) - Successful completion of the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail increased the already-high demand for bicycle facilities in Midtown.  As a result, Midtown Alliance served as Implementation Manager for a two-phase City of Atlanta-funded project to build a two-way cycle track from the Atlanta BeltLine connection at Monroe Drive to Myrtle Street.  Phase 1 was completed in 2013 along the northernmost lane of 10th St. between Monroe Dr. and Charles Allen Dr. and included multiple access points from 10th St. into Piedmont Park.  Phase 2 was completed in September 2015, and included extension of the buffered two-way bike facility from Charles Allen Dr. to Myrtle St.; shared lane markings to and across Piedmont Ave. to the existing 10th St. shared lanes; and a new bicyclist/pedestrian-activated crosswalk flashing beacon at Myrtle St. with new bulbouts, bike parking, and a bike maintenance station.  The facility connects cyclists between Midtown's core and the BeltLine, and anticipates future cycle routes on Juniper Street and Piedmont Ave. 

Street Furniture Installation - In March 2015, additional street furniture was deployed throughout the District, including new benches, 11 recycling bins, 12 litter receptacles, and 25 new "Midtown" branded bike racks.

2014 - 2015:

Holiday Lighting - To celebrate the holiday season from November 2014 through January 2015, Midtown Alliance installed beautifully colored lights in 5 Midtown locations:  Ponce Triangle Plaza, Margaret Mitchell House reading room, 10th St. Pocket Park, 15th St./Arts District Plaza, and Pershing Point Park.  White lights were installed in the same locations in November 2015 and will remain up throughout 2016.

TREE MANAGEMENT (Annual Program):

Planting:  In early spring 2014, we planted 48 new trees throughout the MID rights-of-way and planted another 24 trees in late Fall.

Nutrition:  In January 2015, we completed annual injections of slow release macro and micro nutrients into the root zones of 847 street trees totaling 6,375 caliper inches.

Pruning:  In February 2014, crews pruned 245 trees on West Peachtree St. between North Ave. and 15th St. as well as adjacent sections of Abercrombie Pl., Biltmore Pl., 5th, and 6th Streets. In February and March 2015, crews pruned street trees on 14th St. from Barnes St. to Piedmont Ave., the Red Maples in the Reading Room at Margaret Mitchell House, and between Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets from 3rd St. to 5th St.


Peachtree Streetscape:  Ponce to 3rd - This project began in May 2013 to extend the Peachtree Streetscape "materials palette" to the southern end of Midtown. The "Fox Theatre block" between 3rd Street and Ponce de Leon Ave. was completed in 2014, including burial of overhead utility lines. Construction began in late 2015 on the next phase of improvements from Ponce to Pine Street, including new bike facilities, sidewalks, pavers, curbing, trees, pocket parks, and pedestrian lights and street furniture as needed, as well as a signalized mid-block pedestrian crossing near Emory University Hospital Midtown.

Peachtree Overhead Utility Burial - In an ongoing effort to reduce visual clutter and improve quality of life, Midtown Alliance spearheaded an effort to bury all overhead utility lines crossing Peachtree Street.  Our team completed work at 5th and 14th Streets in 2013, and removed remaining overhead lines at 8th and 16th Streets in Fall 2014.  Now Peachtree is free of overhead utilities so Midtown's parade balloons can fly freely!

Shadowbox Reconstruction - In late August, the "shadowbox" in Ponce Triangle Plaza at Peachtree and Ponce underwent improvements. The shadowbox offers a subterranean view of the historic trolley tracks that were discovered during construction of the plaza in 2013, part of the South Midtown Pedestrian and Circulation Improvements project completed earlier this year.

Peachtree Streetscape:  Northern End - This project invested $2.5M to extend full Peachtree "streetscaping" to the northern end of Midtown between Peachtree Circle and the I-85 Bridge.  Improvements included new sidewalks, ADA ramps, curbs, street lights and trees, as well as relocation of overhead utilities to underground on the southern half of the project. 

South Midtown Pedestrian and Circulation Improvements - This $4M effort provided a wide range of improvements along North Avenue and Ponce de Leon Avenue including circulation improvements, select utility burials, streetscape upgrades, installation of key "gateway" features and creation of new public spaces such as Ponce Triangle near the Fox Theater. Colored thermoplastic crosswalks were installed at Peachtree intersections with Ponce and North.

Pershing Point Park Renovation - The 18-month-long makeover of the greenspace at the junction of Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets was completed in July 2014. In partnership with the City of Atlanta's and ELV Associates' efforts and Jones Day's restoration of the historic World War I monument, Midtown Alliance installed new park lighting, repaired walkways and irrigation, pruned trees, and enhanced existing landscaping with new plantings.


Rockspinner and Pocket Park (at 10th/Peachtree) - Through a collaboration with Dewberry Capital, we created a temporary “pocket park” at the corner of 10th and Peachtree Streets in 2013.  The park includes a multi-use lawn, seasonal badminton net, seating areas, pedestrian paths, and water-wise plantings designed in partnership with the Atlanta Botanical Garden. In November 2013, Rockspinner, a large piece of kinetic art (a 22,000 pound boulder) was installed in the park.

Bicycle Racks - The first installation of 30 new Midtown's "branded" bike racks was completed in September 2013.

10th Street Cycle Track (Phase I) - Successful completion of the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail increased the already-high demand for bicycle facilities in Midtown. As a result, we partnered with the City of Atlanta and the PATH Foundation to implement Phase 1 of a dedicated two-way "cycle track" on 10th Street along Piedmont Park, between Monroe Drive and Charles Allen Drive. The facility connects cyclists between Midtown's core and the BeltLine, and anticipates future cycle routes on Juniper Street and Piedmont Ave.