Updated: 1/31/2025
This page lists all current public solicitations for Midtown Alliance. All general communication regarding the below solicitation(s) will be posted to this page. All interested firms are responsible for checking this page on a regular basis for updates, clarifications and announcements.
Request for Qualifications: Central Midtown Safe Street Project
(Posted January 31, 2025; Proposals due March 3, 2025)
Midtown Alliance seeks to hire a qualified firm or team to develop construction plans and provide other ancillary services for the Central Midtown Safe Street project.
Invitation to Bid: Piedmont Avenue Complete Street Project (Ponce de Leon Ave to 15th St)
(Posted October 31, 2024; Proposals due December 12, 2024)
The project scope includes a northbound bike lane and other improvements including ADA, sidewalks, curbs, landscaping, traffic signals, lighting, signage, stormwater infrastructure, pavement resurfacing and restriping.
Request for Qualifications: 3rd Street Bicycle Lane Project
(Posted October 4, 2024; Proposals due November 2, 2024)
Midtown Alliance seeks to hire a qualified firm or team to develop conceptual and schematic plans and provide other ancillary services for the 3rd Street Bicycle Lane project.
Invitation to Bid: US 19 (Spring St) Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Project (Peachtree St to 17th St)
(Posted January 25, 2024. Awarded August 26, 2024)
The project includes repurposing one southbound lane on Spring Street (US-19/SR-9) between Peachtree Road and 17th Street to accommodate wider sidewalks, ADA upgrades, street trees, pedestrian lighting, and bicycle facilities.
Invitation to Bid: 10th Street Bridge Multi-Modal Connection Project
(Posted November 9, 2023. Awarded June 6, 2024)
The project scope includes construction of right-of-way improvements including sidewalks, curbs, a new two-way cycletrack, signage, landscaping, street trees, street lighting, bridge improvements, and resurfacing.
Invitation to Bid: P.I. No. 0015019 – 15th Street Extension
(Posted May 4, 2023. Awarded December 8, 2023)
The project generally includes construction of a new public street and associated right-of-way improvements of sidewalks, curbs, roadway, landscaping, street trees, and street lighting.