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Updated 11/24/20

Social Media Commenting Policy

We know our MidtownATL community functions at its best when people are informed, and can engage in civil discourse with us and with each other. 

Midtown Alliance operates as a private nonprofit organization. And while we are committed to posting factual, unbiased information that adds value to our audience’s understanding of Midtown Atlanta news and issues, we reserve the right to use our social media channels for purposes that advance our aims. This falls in line with any other private entity or brand with which you interact online. 

We always welcome thoughtful, constructive criticism of our work so we can learn from it and get better. We also encourage questions from community members seeking more details about our work. But, we will use our discretion to remove comments and limit or revoke commenting ability for those who demonstrate behavior that we determine to be counterproductive to our goals, derogatory, unsafe, harassing, repetitive or off-topic.

We consider social media to be an optional tool to distribute facts and information about our work, and that of our partners. Comments posted by a follower do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Midtown Alliance. Further, we do not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness or security of external links or content linked to follower comments that appear in our posts.

Midtown Alliance’s communications platform includes many vehicles that you can plug into, some online and some offline. We encourage those who are interested in our work to attend district events and to subscribe to e-newsletters we publish regularly about district happenings. We always welcome the opportunity to hear your feedback - positive or negative, we can take it - via a phone call or in-person meeting. To schedule time with our staff, please email