Learn more about the Midtown Blue supplemental public safety program.
Midtown Alliance’s supplemental public safety program has operated on the ground every day for more than 20 years. And in that time, the district has registered consistent decreases in crime, making it one of the safest communities in metro Atlanta. In 2024, 93% of the crime in the Midtown Improvement District (MID) was non-violent property crime.
While the program is funded by commercial property owners, we proudly serve everyone who spends time here.
Our public safety strategy includes patrolling, monitoring, education, collaboration and enforcement. We work shoulder-to-shoulder with our MID public safety partners representing: Atlanta Police Department (APD), county and state law enforcement agencies, MARTA, Georgia Tech, SCAD, Emory, the Federal Reserve, commercial and residential property owners, private security and residents.

Need assistance? Remember, in an emergency, always call 911 first. Then call Midtown Blue at 404-817-0500.
You can speak directly with our team 24-7 to report suspicious activity or discuss any safety and security issues or concerns.
We're focused on the public right of way.
115K people spend time in Midtown each day. Our role focuses on public property primarily within the confines of the 1.2 square mile Midtown Improvement District. We also work with private property managers to ensure maximum coordination of public safety resources and strategies. We provide useful information that keeps lines of communication open between law enforcement, private security and commercial property managers.
Midtown Alliance’s work to maintain a safe district permeates everything we do - from cutting back overgrown vegetation and reporting street light outages to adding new traffic signals for pedestrian safety and more.

Eyes on the Street
Midtown Blue’s public safety officers monitor in real time the region’s most extensive network of high-definition video cameras, covering 90% of the public right-of-ways. The camera system was upgraded in 2020 to include more views and new fiber technology transmission. See a map of our camera locations.
650+ Hours of Combined Patrols Each Week in the Midtown District. Who's who?
There are nearly 40 combined personnel working directly on public safety in Midtown, from officers and shift supervisors to dispatchers and support staff. Midtown Blue's team of off-duty Atlanta Police Department (APD) officers and trained civilian Public Safety Officers provides 24-7-365 coverage, augmenting APD’s on-duty patrols and working exclusively in the public right of way of the Midtown Improvement District.

Off-Duty APD: sworn officer with full arrest authority, patrolling in Midtown Blue marked vehicles and on foot.
Public Safety Patrol: civilian security professional, patrolling on foot, Trikke and bicycle.
What We Do:
- Provide immediate response to emergencies in and near the district, supplementing APD on-duty officers
- Interact with thousands of residents and workers
- Conduct patrols by car, bike, Trikke and on foot in the public right of way
- Run a 24-hour joint operations center with APD Zone 5, for seamless coordination
- Offer security assessments and public safety guidance to Midtown businesses and residents
- Meet regularly with APD, commercial and residential property security managers, MARTA, Emory and Georgia Tech police
- Work with people experiencing homelessness and connect them to social services as appropriate
This adds up to one of the most robust public safety programs of its kind in the U.S. Read recent news and updates about our public safety work on Midtown Alliance's News Center.
WATCH: Replay from Our February 2023 Public Safety Webinar:
Midtown Public Safety in the News:
July 2022: Three Midtown Staffers Receive Excellence in Action Awards
February 2022: New Midtown Outreach Expert Arrives to Help Get More People Off the Streets