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Midtown Improvement District Announces Major Pending Land Acquisition for Signature Public Space in Atlanta

ATLANTA - March 18, 2025 - The Midtown Improvement District (MID) Board of Directors announces the pending acquisition of a prime four-acre land site at 98 14th Street with plans to create a permanent signature public space in the heart of Atlanta. The acquisition is targeting a closing date in mid-May and comes at a pivotal time amid Midtown's longstanding real estate boom.

Located between Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets on 14th Street, the site is one of the last undeveloped parcels of its size in Midtown and is strategically located in the largest concentration of arts and cultural attractions in the Southeast, and more than 44,500 workers, residents, students and visitors within a seven-minute walk.

Since 2018, one square-mile of Midtown has seen 55 major development projects delivered and valued at more than $10.6B, including office towers, condos, apartments, hotels, and institutional spaces. Yet the 770-acre district currently has only 1.1 acres of permanently protected public open space.

“Our leadership viewed this as a generational opportunity to preserve land forever and create a signature amenity for Midtown and our city. Given the rapid rate Midtown has been developing, this was seen as now or never,” said Kurt Hartman, MID Board Chair and retired Senior Managing Director, Hines.

The Midtown Improvement District (MID) was established in 2000 when Midtown commercial property owners voluntarily agreed to levy additional property taxes on themselves. Over the last 25 years, the MID has invested more than $170M to fund targeted capital improvements and programs aimed at enhancing the urban experience and making Midtown a compelling place for business and investment.  

“This pioneering move serves as a perfect tribute to the Midtown Improvement District 25th anniversary,” said MID Board member Malloy Peterson, SVP of Development at Selig Enterprises. "This marks the first time a Community Improvement District in Georgia has moved to acquire land to build a signature public space.”

The vision is to create a premier attraction that serves as a hub for arts and cultural experiences that are uniquely Atlanta. “The MID has a 25-year legacy of smart investments that enhance public life in Midtown, and our close collaboration with Midtown Alliance ensures seamless project implementation,” Hartman added.

You can help inform this project. Take the 2025 Midtown Community Survey.

Midtown Alliance is fielding a community survey that asks people who spend time here to weigh in on priorities for the district. Included in this year's survey are questions about the 98 14th Street site, asking what would make it a WOW! experience. Please make time to help inform this project. Survey runs through May 15.

Take the Survey Now

A recent Midtown Alliance community survey of more than Midtown 3,500 workers, residents and visitors revealed that 89% prioritize having more outdoor, publicly accessible open spaces.

“This is a seminal moment to secure open space designed for community gathering, and ensuring its availability forever,” said Mary Pat Matheson, Midtown Alliance Board Chair and Atlanta Botanical Garden President and CEO. “We commend the MID’s action in getting this property under contract. Upon closing this transaction and completing a design phase, Midtown Alliance will be thrilled to launch a philanthropic capital campaign to fund the site improvements and amenities that will transform this space into something truly spectacular benefitting all of Midtown and beyond.”

The announcement was made at the 2025 Midtown Alliance Annual Meeting at the Fox Theatre, attended by more than 1,000 business and civic leaders.

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About the Midtown Improvement District (MID)

The MID is a Community Improvement District governed by a nine-person board of directors elected by property owners, with two members appointed by the Mayor and President of the Atlanta City Council, and the City Council member who represents most of the district. The MID addresses issues of importance to property owners, including local public improvement projects and programs aimed at improving and sustaining Midtown’s competitive edge and quality of life. The MID has played a pivotal role in implementing the Blueprint, a master plan envisioned by the community and spearheaded by Midtown Alliance.

About Midtown Alliance

Midtown Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit coalition founded in 1978 and comprised of leading business and community leaders – united in our commitment to Midtown as a premier destination for commerce, culture, education and living. Guided by a visionary master plan – Blueprint Midtown – and in partnership with the Midtown Improvement District, its mission is to improve and sustain the quality of life for those who live, work and play here. Midtown Alliance accomplishes this through a comprehensive approach to planning and development that includes initiatives to enhance public safety, improve the physical environment, and strengthen the urban amenities that give the area its unique character.