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A great urban experience is more than just concrete and glass and trees. It’s about people, united by a common vision, working together to make Midtown exceptional.

Membership is our vehicle for collective action. Our members share an interest in the continued success of Midtown Atlanta and they help shape our agenda and our work.

In an era of profound change both in the skyline and at street-level, our shared purpose is to make sure the urban experience gets even better as Midtown grows - today and in the future, on every level.

Support the programs and initiatives that make Midtown your location of choice, while ensuring your team is connected to the Midtown community.

Midtown Alliance Member Benefits:

Latest News and Information
Our membership team ensures that you get timely communications with insight into projects and district issues, plus up-to-the-minute alerts that may affect you and your organization or building; including street closings, traffic and events. Access district studies, maps, survey findings, reports and plans in our online Resource Center, updated regularly.

Networking Events
Midtown Alliance live events are back. They are a terrific way to meet Midtown Alliance staff and other members who live and/or work in Midtown. Hear from experts about issues affecting our community while experiencing a variety of new & classic venues. See our event calendar here.

Discounts, Exclusive Offers and Experiences
All members of your organization earn 10% off and more at their favorite and newly discovered hotspots – more than 70 Midtown restaurants, retailers and service providers in all - through our IN*MidtownATL mobile app, which features a hyperlocal loyalty program available for iOS and Android. This program helps your team explore and discover the best of Midtown while getting exclusive offers. See the current list of participating venues here

Visibility and Promotional Exposure
Members receive a display plaque and digital membership badge to identify their affiliation with Midtown Alliance. Members also receive exposure through our enhanced online member directory and events listings on the website. Our Marketing and Communications team also works with members to amplify their major initiatives across many channels in our communications platform.

Commuter Program Support
Take advantage of free employer services from our Midtown Transportation team that help workplaces find and promote alternatives to driving alone, including financial incentives, personalized commute planning and other resources.

Download our brochure to learn about the vision of Midtown Alliance and how your organization can get involved. 

Take your next steps toward enrollment.

  1. Complete our simple, no-obligation application to tell us more about your organization and how membership can help you meet your goals.
  2. Designate points of contact in your organization to work with us.
  3. Plan your organization’s involvement in upcoming member events and programs.

Contact Philip Rafshoon, Director of Member Engagement: