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Atlanta's premier business location, a center of innovation and talent, and an exceptional urban experience.

At 1.2 square miles, Midtown represents less than 1% of the City’s land area, but accounts for:

  • 82K daytime workers
  • 24K residents
  • 7.1M annual visitors
  • $19B annual economic impact
  • 16% of the City's jobs and 25% of tech jobs
  • $7B+ real estate value: approximately 10% of total value in the City
  • 300 acres of greenspace and multi-use trails
  • 3K annual cultural events

Source: Peachtree Corridor Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis, Bleakly Advisory Group

As of Q1 2019, 30+ major development projects are under construction or proposed in the district.
Key - Green: Delivered since 2018     Purple: Under Construction     Blue: Proposed


Nationally Recognized Great Place
In 2016, Midtown Atlanta was one of only five neighborhoods in the U.S. to be named to the American Planning Association’s list of “Great Places in America.” The designation acknowledges the combined impact of bold design and decisive action that make Midtown a mixed-use, walkable, clean, safe and interesting place.


Learn more about Midtown's fundamental strengths.
Midtown Alliance provides a robust selection of up-to-date information on planning and development resources. More than 80 maps, studies, reports and fact sheets are available online at

Invest Here

For well over a decade, Midtown has sustained a phenomenal build-out into a vibrant, walkable, urban district characterized by high-rise residential buildings, office towers and hotels with street front retail and restaurants. Yet, even with this rapid pace of growth, 20% of the land in Midtown remains under-utilized and ripe for redevelopment.

The Blueprint master plan, spearheaded by the Midtown Alliance and informed by the community, provides the framework to attract new mixed-use development. It was the impetus behind the single largest rezoning legislation in City of Atlanta history. Midtown Alliance staff assists the development community in the design of high-quality projects consistent with the goals of the Blueprint and guides developers through the City’s zoning and permitting process. Our wide array of development resources including economic data, maps, demographics, development trends, zoning consultation, design guidelines and other information aids in this effort.

Additionally, Midtown Alliance provides the staff and day-to-day management and operations for the Midtown Improvement District (MID), a self-taxing district created by Midtown commercial property owners to augment public resources and catalyze economic growth in Midtown. 

Guided by its visionary master plan and backed by the investment of the MID, Midtown Alliance has leveraged more than $400M in public and private funds to enhance the public environment and support Midtown's continued growth as Atlanta's premier urban center.  Programs and projects include new sidewalks, lights, trees, bike lanes, public safety, traffic management, and environmental maintenance. The MID remains committed to address issues of importance to property owners to enhance and sustain Midtown’s competitive edge and quality of life.

Development incentives may be available through Invest Atlanta.