Plans & Studies
FEB 2017
Midtown Transportation Plan
Report and action plan that summarizes the analysis conducted during a 2016 Comprehensive Transportation Study and describes the projects, policies, and programs that will be implemented over time.
MAR 2015
2015 Parking Study and Action Plan
Study identifies implementable strategies to address Midtown’s growing parking challenges.
JUN 2008
Midtown Mile Parking Assessment (2008)
Overview of the study purpose, methodology, and findings for the existing and future parking conditions for the Midtown Mile retail initiative.
FEB 2022
2021 Quarterly Pedestrian Count Data
Midtown Alliance maintains data on pedestrian activity in the district using special counters. View our quarterly update on foot traffic at key intersections.
JAN 2021
2020 Quarterly Pedestrian Count Data
Midtown Alliance maintains data on pedestrian activity in the district using special counters. View our quarterly update on foot traffic at key intersections.
JAN 2020
2019 Quarterly Pedestrian Count Report
Midtown Alliance measures foot traffic in the district using special counters. View our 2019 report on daily average pedestrian activity at key intersections.
Midtown Transportation Program Overview
A program of Midtown Alliance that works with 120+ Midtown employers to address challenges ranging from parking to relocation and transportation-related expenses.
Personalized Route Planning
Free, personalized route planning for Midtown commuters interested in finding a better way to travel to work.