Winter 2021 Storefront Art Activation
Project Category: All Projects Public Art
Updated 2/2/2021

Midtown "Heart of the Arts” Storefront Art Installation Program
Staff is pursuing near-term opportunities with property managers to use empty storefronts as a catalyst that will reimagine Midtown’s street level spaces as a hive of creative activity, geared to support local talent, artists, makers, and entrepreneurs.
Staff has engaged Neda Abghari as a consultant to advise on a phased approach and to kick off the program by curating art installations that will be in place by the end of 2020. We have finalized partnerships with six sites located along Peachtree Street to host temporary art installations that will add activity to the sidewalk, promote existing retail tenants, and employ and showcase the work of local talent.
For details on the artists and their works, visit this page. The first wave of storefront installations were completed in late-2020 and additional installations are on track to premiere in early-February 2021.
Staff is actively planning for an extension of this program that would include an artist residency program that would support the local arts community by providing studio space. Staff is developing a strategy and will establish a timeline and budget for these interventions to begin in 2021.