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Spring Street US 19

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Last Updated: 3/21/2025

US 19 (Spring Street) Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Project
(Peachtree St. to 17th St)

(ATLDOT Proj. No. 3000)


Project Overview

The Spring Street Improvements Project proposes to repurpose one southbound lane on Spring Street (US-19/SR-9) between Peachtree Road and 17th Street to accommodate wider sidewalks, ADA upgrades, street trees, pedestrian lighting, and bicycle facilities. The Spring Street corridor is one of Midtown's major southbound corridors that connects key destinations and amenities such as SCAD and the Center for Puppetry Arts. This northernmost section of Spring Street is within three blocks of the MARTA Arts Center Station and the project will help to enhance safety, access, and mobility for all users. This half-mile project is intended to complement the multi-modal components of the West Peachtree and Spring Quick Build LIT Lanes projects, which are part of the City's Action Plan for Safer Streets. See this map for reference.

Current Funding Sources

  • Federal Transit Administration grant
  • Midtown Improvement District funds

Progress To Date

The Scoping phase is complete. The Design and Engineering phase began in early 2018 with Kimley-Horn serving as lead technical consultants to accomplish the following project activities:

  • Public engagement
  • City and stakeholder coordination
  • Survey and subsurface evaluations
  • Traffic impact study
  • Environmental studies
  • Development of preliminary and final design plans
  • Cost estimating
  • Utility coordination
  • Development of construction documents

In early 2018, Midtown Alliance solicited public input on the project's existing conditions. An extensive traffic study concluded in December 2019. Midtown Alliance and the City of Atlanta partnered to host a public information open house in spring of 2020 to provide the public with an opportunity to learn more about the project, view preliminary designs, interact with staff and provide comments.

30%, 60% and 90% design review milestones were completed in 2020 and 2021. Final plan approval was received by the City of Atlanta in 2022. Georgia DOT permit was received in November 2023. 


Midtown Alliance released the Invitation to Bid in January 2024. To view the ITB please click here. Additional construction funding was committed by the City of Atlanta and Midtown Improvement District, and the project was awarded to the low bidder Hasbun Construction, LLC on August 26, 2024. The NTP was issued on October 7, 2024, but the permitting agency required additional inter-governmental agreements to be executed before allowing the contractor to start work. Construction duration is estimated for 12-months through late 2025.

    Spring Street: Existing Typical Section

    Spring Street: Proposed Typical Section


    Construction Updates

    Planned Work Activity March 3 - 7, 2025

    • Placement of Traffic Control Signage and Traffic Panels from South Rhodes Center to 19th Street on the east side. Sidewalk will be closed in work area. Pedestrians will follow sidewalk detour.
    • Demolition of existing header curb and sidewalk. Install new granite curb and sidewalk.

    What's Next?

    Please continue to visit this project webpage for updates and contact with questions.

    For additional information on City of Atlanta Department of Transportation projects such as this one, please visit their website or click the graphic below.