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Midtown Holiday Lighting Activation Winter 2020-21

Project Category: All Projects Lighting

Updated 12/3/20

250K multi-colored LED lights and bright white stars at varying scales were installed at key intersections along Peachtree Street to celebrate the holidays and activate the areas around Midtown’s arts and culture anchors with festive displays. Overall, this work touches more than 90 street trees and involves key partnerships with venues and private land owners for some of the installations. The lighting displays were turned on in November and will remain on nightly through January 2021. Generally, the lighting will turn on each day at 4:30pm. 

Focal points include:

  • Peachtree @ Ponce de Leon Ave
  • Peachtree @ 10th St
  • Peachtree @ 15th St
  • Peachtree @ Pershing Point