Juniper Complete Street Project
Project Categories: All Projects Bike + e-Scooter Facilities Complete Streets
Updated 3/3/2025
Juniper Street Bicycle / Pedestrian Facilities Project
(14th St to Ponce de Leon Ave)
(ATLDOT Proj. No. 3001)

Construction Updates
Planned Work Activity for Weeks of February 24 - March 7, 2025
- Complete sidewalk ADA ramp at the southwest corner and paver work on northwest corner of 11th St.
- Continue landscape work along the project corridor.
- Continue installing traffic signal hardware and wiring along the project corridor.
- Ongoing Erosion Control and Traffic Control maintenance as needed throughout the project corridor.
- Construction work may also occur during this time for the City of Atlanta DOT project no. 1071 within the same project limits as Juniper Complete Street. The City project contractor, Lumin8, will coordinate with the Juniper Complete Street contractor.

Project Overview
The Juniper Complete Street Project spans twelve blocks between 14th Street and Ponce de Leon Avenue. The project will create a high-quality bikeway and improved pedestrian facilities while also ensuring that vehicular traffic moves through at a steady (yet calmer) pace.
The project includes new wider sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian‐scaled LED lighting, trash/recycling receptacles, and a network of stormwater planters that absorb and meter rainwater (thereby reducing demand on City infrastructure). Adjacent to the western sidewalk would be a six-to-seven-foot separated bike lane protected by a wide (typically eleven-foot) raised/planted barrier at intersections. The bike lane buffer between intersections will consist of vertical landscape planters, striping, and bollards. Parallel parking within portions of the buffer would provide another layer of protection for those walking or biking.
The roadway will be repaved and will include two vehicular travel lanes (ten-to-eleven feet wide each) with additional dedicated turn lanes at key intersections with higher traffic demand. Traffic signals will also be upgraded throughout the corridor.
View renderings of each segment of the project:
- 14th Street to 10th Street
- 10th Street to 5th Street
- 5th Street to Ponce de Leon Avenue
- Entire project limit
Construction Overview
- The project is being built on City right‐of‐way and has received approvals and permits from all necessary City departments. All required environmental approvals have been received from Federal and State agencies, including an agreement regarding treatment of the removal and preservation of historic trolley tracks (currently under the street).
- Midtown Alliance is the implementation manager and is responsible for hiring and overseeing the construction contractor. Midtown Alliance procured construction bids in Fall 2022 and awarded the construction contract to the low bidder SD&C, Inc. in February 2023.
- May 2023 construction start date, followed by approximately 24 months of construction, barring any complications.
- Construction will start on the north end of the project limits at 14th Street and will likely build the east side first, typically one block at a time, down to Ponce de Leon; then return to 14th Street and build the west side block by block down to Ponce. Some block faces may not be constructed in sequential order due to private developments simultaneously under construction that must be accommodated.
- Asphalt paving of the roadway is expected to occur toward the end of construction. Trees and landscaping will be installed as weather and planting seasons allow.
- The City will sign off on the work at the end of the project.
View frequently asked questions related to this project here.
Funding Sources
- Federal Transit Administration grant
- State Road and Tollway Authority/Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank state grant
- City of Atlanta transportation impact fees
- Midtown Improvement District funds
Project Timeline:
View more information on the 10+ year history of public engagement for this project here.
- 2010: Midtown Alliance hires design team
- 2011: ARC awards $3.3M grant and MID commits $2.3M bringing total funding to approximately $5.6M
- 2011-2012: Traffic analysis conducted and reviewed by the City and stakeholders
- 2013-2014: Concepts are developed and reviewed by City and stakeholders
- 2015: Streetscape is refined based on new national bicycle design guidelines
- 2016: Inter-agency review of 50% and 90% Construction Plans
- 2017: Inter-agency review of 100% Construction Plans. Additional $2.6M awarded by the City and State, bringing the total project funding to approximately $8.2M. Review of additional environmental documentation by State and Federal agencies.
- 2018: Approval of environmental documentation by State and Federal agencies. Final revisions to 100% Construction Plans for City review and approval.
- 2019: Public Notice for Anticipated Impacts to Existing Historic Archeological Resource (streetcar line track) posted May 28, 2019 to June 27, 2019.
- 2020: City issues final plan approvals.
- 2022: Public invitation to bid construction advertised September 8, 2022. Bids received November 3, 2022.
- 2023: Construction contract awarded February 6, 2023, with a construction duration of 20 months. Outreach to property contacts in and near the corridor regarding construction mitigation initiated in April. Construction notice to proceed was issued on May 1, 2023.
- 2024: HABS/HAER Level II field documentation report submitted in February to the City for further handling and submittal to Federal and State agencies for review and approval. Approval of the report would allow construction to proceed in areas affecting the existing historic archeological resource (streetcar line track).
- 2025: Construction substantial completion date extended 3 months to March 31, 2025.
Please continue to visit this page for updates. Contact with questions.
For additional information on this and other City of Atlanta Department of Transportation projects, please visit the ATLDOT website.