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Central Midtown Safe Street

Project Categories: All Projects Bike + e-Scooter Facilities Study Placemaking Multi-Modal Pedestrian

Updated 10/28/2022

In line with the Midtown Transportation Plan (2017), Midtown Alliance is developing a plan to create a safe, east/west connection for people walking and rolling through the middle of the Midtown District. The approved conceptual plan adds bike facilities on 10th Street from Myrtle Street to Crescent Ave and on Peachtree Place from Crescent Ave to Williams Street.  This project would link the Georgia Tech campus and Home Park neighborhood with the core of Midtown, MARTA heavy rail, to Piedmont Park and the Garden District, and to the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail. There are several streetscape enhancement projects currently under construction or coming within the next few years that connect to or intersect with Peachtree Place and 10th St., including:

  • Spring Street Barrier-Separated LIT Lane
  • West Peachtree Street Barrier-Separated LIT Lane
  • Juniper Street Complete Street
  • Piedmont Avenue Complete Street
  • 10th Street Bridge Multimodal Enhancements

You can read more about the status and scope of each of these projects at

Pilot Project: Pedestrian Scramble at 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue


Phase 1: On Monday, August 15, Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) crews will install a pedestrian scramble (diagonal crossing) at the intersection of 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue, and make changes to the allowed movements from the travel lanes on 10th Street. This pilot will investigate possible intersection safety improvements associated with the Central Midtown Connection Plan and is planned to end on Monday August 29, 2022. During the pilot, ATLDOT will assess traffic flow and gather additional data to develop strategies for making the intersection safer for all users.

Phase 2: The pilot period for the Pedestrian Scramble at 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue has been extended until Sept. 12 as ATLDOT assesses traffic flow and gathers additional data to develop strategies to make this intersection safer for all users. Through Sept. 12, the pedestrian scramble, which allows people to cross from all corners of an intersection at the same time, including diagonally - will continue.  

Recap from Our May 10, 2022 Public Information Virtual Open House

Midtown Alliance hosted a public information session to introduce the Central Midtown Connection Plan to the community. During the meeting, the project team reviewed the existing conditions report, walked through the proposed route and how the route was selected, and shared the initial concept. The team then answered questions from the community.

View the webinar replay here.

Project Deliverables:

  • Read the Multi-modal Analysis Executive Summary here.
  • Read the Existing Conditions report here.
  • Review the concept here.
  • View submitted questions and answers from the virtual open house here.
  • Read responses to the map exercise comments here.

Project funding sources:

  • Midtown Improvement District funds
  • TSPLOST 2.0

If you have general comments or questions, please contact

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