15th Street Extension
Project Category: All Projects Street Extension
Updated 12/27/2024
15th Street Extension Project
(GDOT PI No. 0015019)
Rendering of proposed project looking west from West Peachtree Street.
Project Overview
This project would be a multi-modal connection that extends 15th Street from its current end point at West Peachtree Street two blocks west to Williams Street. The entire extension would be implemented on GDOT right-of-way, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming land acquisition.
The proposed roadway design between West Peachtree Street and Spring Street would include a three-lane section consisting of one through lane in each direction and dedicated left-turn lanes approaching Spring Street and West Peachtree Street. The proposed lane section west of Spring Street would consist of a single through lane in each direction. Travel lanes are proposed to be 11-feet wide. Additionally, the new cross-section would consist of 5-foot tree planting/furniture zones, 5-foot sidewalk-level bicycle lanes, and 10-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street. The bicycle lanes would provide a direct connection to the Arts Center MARTA Station and existing and proposed developments as well as other bicycle routes.
Current Funding Sources
- Federal Highway Administration grant (via ARC)
- GDOT funds
- City of Atlanta transportation impact fees
- Midtown Improvement District funds
- Private funds
Progress To Date
The project was awarded a grant through the Atlanta Regional Commission for partial Design/Engineering and Construction funding. In partnership with GDOT and the City of Atlanta, an RFQ for Engineering Design services was advertised in June 2017. Jacobs was selected as the lead consultant and design work began in early 2018. In 2019 and 2020 project Environmental and traffic studies, Concept Design, and Preliminary Field Plans were reviewed and approved by GDOT. Final Field Plans were submitted to GDOT for review in mid-2020, and ROW acquisition activities completed in 2021. In early 2021 the project was awarded $2M additional federal funds for construction. Final agency approvals and permits were received in Q1 2022, and notice to proceed to advertise the project for bids was received mid-year. Midtown Alliance publicly advertised the project and received bids on September 15, 2022. The solicitation was canceled on October 14, 2022 and Midtown Alliance worked with its partners to re-advertise the project for bids on May 4, 2023.
The construction contract was awarded to the low bidder Reeves Young, LLC on December 8, 2023. NTP was issued on March 18, 2024 with an 18-month contract duration for construction to be substantially complete by September 9, 2025.
Construction Updates
Planned Work Activity - December 23-January 3
- Regrading of the south slope between Williams St. and Spring St.
- Pre-digging tree swells, storm line, and lighting conduits and removing rock
- Maintain site with erosion control and clean up
What's Next?
Please continue to visit this project webpage for updates and contact transportation@midtownatl.com with questions.
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