Midtown DRC September 2024 Meeting Recap
The September Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed three cases. Blake’s on the Park would have its upper level repaired after a recent fire along with updated exterior decking and a rear patio pergola. Georgia Tech proposed to renovate the single-story building at 70 4th St. NW for a new campus security hub. The 22-story student high-rise known as Hub Cypress, located at the SW corner of 7th & Cypress St., returned to the DRC with improved plans. Read more details about these proposals below:
70 4th Street – Georgia Tech Security Hub

The DRC appreciated the proposed adaptive building reuse for a new security center to serve the southeast portion of the Georgia Tech campus.
Improvements facing 4th St. include a new on-street parking space, improved pedestrian and ADA access, new lighting and landscaping, with a new glass storefront. Along the eastern alley new windows and lighting will be provided leading to a future 6-space parking lot at the rear of the site.
DRC Recommendations:
- Provide one tree in the large rectangular landscaped area in front of the building to provide shade.
- Install one bike rack either in the street furniture zone next to the 4th Street curb or supplemental zone next to the building front per code.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive updated info for electronic review to confirm that these minor recommendations are addressed.
227 10th Street NE – Blake’s on the Park

The DRC had no concern with the proposal of interior work. However, suggested the applicant likely needs a special use permit (SUP) due to the size of the establishment and a special exception to encroach on the transitional yard toward the east alley to allow the rear patio pergola. The DRC also had minor comments focused on providing parking lot landscaping and bike parking and mitigating noise.
DRC Recommendations:
- Provide copies of any previously issued City permits for the City inclusive of the south rear patio.
- Relocate the proposed bike rack to the front parking area adjacent to the Piedmont Ave. sidewalk.
- Install one min. 2.5” caliper tree within each of the proposed landscaped islands in the parking lot.
- Confirm no outdoor speakers nor outdoor dining would occur after 11pm.
- Otherwise, if desired, file an application with the Board of Zoning Adjustment to potentially allow.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive info on any prior issued permits to determine the next steps for the project. Also, the committee expects to receive updated info to confirm that the minor site recommendations are addressed.
155 7th Street – Hub Cypress

The DRC commended the applicant team with their design improvements to new 22-story student orientated building at the southwest corner of Cypress St. and 7th St. The project features 265 units including 1,194 bedrooms with 161 parking spaces provided via a podium above the ground floor amenities including coffee shop, leasing, fitness, and spa. Pedestrian and bike access is provided from 7th St. while vehicle access and loading are provided along Cypress St. The DRC’s remaining concerns were limited to the parking deck parking deck façade treatment.
DRC Recommendations:
- At the dog run at the southwest corner of the site provide for a seating along the building wall with a creeping vine planted at the base of the seat wall to grow up the façade and serve as a pleasant green area.
- Coordinate with a local artist to procure a mural to be applied to the south parking deck façade facing the MAA Biltmore residences.
- Consider strategies to mitigate visibility of interior lighting elements in the parking deck. Suggestions included directional or shielding lighting, parapet walls, and ‘splashing’ lighting on the exterior. Also, study relief on the parking deck public façades for a more visually interesting appearance.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive updated info for electronic review to confirm that these minor recommendations are addressed.