December 2024 DRC Recap: New Student Tower Returns + Other Updated Proposals
The Midtown Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed three cases during its final meeting of 2024. The new owners of the Proscenium presented exterior upgrades to the building entrances, amenity plaza, and streetscape. The team for the Woodruff Arts Center presented a campus refresh with improved accessibility. The student high-rise proposed north of the Varsity returned with substantially updated plans. Read more about these proposals below.
Proscenium - 1170 Peachtree Street

Located at the southwest corner of Peachtree St. and 14th St., the Proscenium will receive a refresh resulting from new ownership. At the northeast corner, the entry will be relocated in line with the lobby, the ‘rotunda’ will be converted to an amenity space with new tables and chairs, and the sidewalk on Peachtree St. will be widened. At the northwest corner, the pedestrian entry will be relocated to face 14th St., while the raised plaza will be retrofitted with relocated access, new planters, trees, and bike parking. Also, a new ADA sidewalk will be installed along Crescent Ave. The DRC praised the intended improvements and offered minor comments.
DRC Recommendations:
- Explore reducing the height of the standalone wall separating the northwest plaza and the loading dock along Crescent Ave. On its plaza-facing side provide an artistic or decorative feature for added visual interest.
- Ensure that all bike racks intended for the northwest plaza would provide dual-sided access with a minimum 3’ separation.
- Consider extending the standard Midtown concrete sidewalk along 14th St. consistent with the work intended for Peachtree St. and Crescent Ave. for a unified streetscape around the building.
- Confirm all planters (including vegetation) and gates at the perimeter of the ‘rotunda’ between the existing columns will not exceed 42” in height, per code.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive updated info for electronic review to confirm that these minor recommendations are addressed.
Woodruff Arts Center - 1280 Peachtree Street

The Woodruff Arts Center intends a ‘campus refresh' around the Memorial Arts Building. This includes pedestrian connections, ramping, landscaping, and lighting in or near Sifly Piazza. South of the building, the Calloway Plaza would be upgraded with new landscaping and outdoor seating areas along with new surface treatments to define driving and pedestrian areas. The DRC appreciated these upgrades with two minor suggestions.
DRC Recommendations:
- Improve visibility to the Refugee Coffee corner in Sifly Plaza by limbing or trimming the existing nearby trees.
- Extend the N-S pedestrian crossing (in line with the paving bands) in Calloway Plaza to connect to the Memorial Arts building for an additional point of access.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive updated info for electronic review to confirm that these minor recommendations are addressed.
680 Spring Street

The team presented an updated 40-story student orientated residential building at the northwest corner of Ponce de Leon Ave. and Spring St. It now offers 626 units including 2,235 bedrooms with 431 parking spaces via a 6 ½-story podium. The ground floor includes 8,600 SF of retail space at the corners with a leasing/lobby area at center along Spring St. Pedestrian and bike access is provided from multiple sides with large bike rooms at the southside of the building. Vehicle service and loading is provided by a circular private drive leading to rear access of the parking deck. The southern private drive is an extension of Ponce de Leon Ave. and provides on-street parking. The DRC lauded the team’s response to their earlier comments but remained focused on improving the outdoor retail patios along Spring St. and the design of the south and west sides of the site.
DRC Recommendations:
- Maximize access and ‘soften’ the outdoor retail patio spaces along Spring St. Recommendations included removing any unnecessary railings, providing planter boxes, and hanging planters on remaining railings, and providing a well-lit artistic or decorative treatment at the terminating wall of the sunken north patio.
- Maintain the intersection location of Private Road B; but taper the 27’ wide drive lane to 22’ moving westward. This will allow the landscape strip next to the Varsity parking deck to gradually widen to 9’ in width. Install min. Install min. 3” caliper Pond Cypress trees in this landscape strip to serve as a green background for both sites. At the far west, explore continuing vehicular access to the covered Varsity lot to the south.
- Reduce the size of the proposed dog park and relocate it to the northwest corner of the site in place of the vehicular street stub and turnaround. For access to the dog park, provide a dedicated crosswalk from near the generator across Private Road A. In the southwest area, explore additional secure bike parking and flex space like the north.
- Provide street aprons (in lieu of radii) at the intersection of Private Road A (at Spring St.) and the N-S westernmost Private Road B (that accesses the parking deck) to delineate these as private streets.
- Consider providing additional bike parking within the building at grade by taking a portion of Retail Space B at the far west. This area would be difficult to lease due to its limited visibility.
- Coordinate with Midtown Alliance and City of Atlanta transportation team members to explore extending the bike lane northward to 3rd St. to connect and match the one-way existing bike lane along Spring St. If not achievable, remove from the plan.
- To further reduce parking demand, unbundle (separate) parking costs from rental rates.
Next Steps:
The committee expects to receive updated info for electronic review to confirm that these recommendations are addressed.