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Commuter Spotlight: Ryan Avoids Parking Hassles With Electric Unicycle

Published: 07/07/22


Chances are, you’ve noticed one of Midtown’s most distinctive commuters on many of Midtown’s streets. Meet Ryan R., who uses a unique mode of transportation to make daily food deliveries throughout the district.  

Ryan is an avid rider and advocate for electric unicycles, or EUCs. Read about how Ryan blends his "van life" with delivering food via electric unicycle below.


Game Over for Parking Fees

Ryan’s electric unicycle allows him to travel at speeds that keep up with traffic in Midtown and has a daily charging range of 45 miles.

Ryan says that using an EUC allows him to avoid the hassle of finding a parking spot, and provides him with an environmentally friendly and speedy advantage when making food deliveries.  

The decision to purchase an electric unicycle was an easy one for Ryan, who needed a compact transportation mode to complement his "Van Life" lifestyle.

“When I came across an electric unicycle, it was game over,” he said. 


Just Do It!

 Ryan factored in the typical costs of using a vehicle for his job, including fuel costs and routine maintenance. Even with occasional ride-share costs for days with bad weather, Ryan determined that an EUC would save him money. He said there was a surprisingly shorter learning curve than expected after purchasing the electric unicycle. Ryan estimated that after about three hours of practice, he became comfortable balancing and making turns on his EUC. 

When he’s not riding, Ryan’s EUC folds compactly into the size of a small rolling carry-on bag with a telescoping handle, which allows him to enter and exit buildings seamlessly. For safety, Ryan wears a distinctive white, full-face helmet with a protective visor and elbow pads. He stresses the importance of good visibility while riding and uses reflective tape on his gear. 

Midtown’s growing network of bike lanes provides an ever-improving setting for commuting and recreational micro-mobility users. Some of Ryan’s favorite locations to ride in Midtown are Peachtree Street, the 10th Street Cycle Track, and the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside trail. Midtown Alliance is actively working to improve the neighborhood’s micro-mobility route options, with capital project designs underway for improvements on 5th Street, 15th Street, and Peachtree Place. Ryan’s advice to those considering a convenient and climate-friendly transportation mode in Midtown: “Find the type of thing you like to ride and just do it.”


Find a better commute option that works for you. Midtown Transportation can help.

Midtown Alliance employs staffers who work full-time with commuters and employers to get them started with alternatives to driving alone. You can even qualify for financial incentives when you make the change. Learn more about our free services.

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