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September DRC Recap: 12th and Everything Outlines Plans to Improve Skate Escape Site

A new BBQ restaurant with outdoor patios, new coffee shop and a relocated Skate Escape are slated for the corner of 12th St. and Piedmont Ave.

Published: 09/14/22

The September meeting of the Midtown Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed 12th and Everything’s concept for the adaptive reuse and expansion of adjacent buildings at the northwest corner of 12th St. and Piedmont Avenue. The existing building at 1084 Piedmont Ave. will be expanded by 940 square feet for a new 2,315-square-foot barbecue restaurant space with an 800-square-foot canopied rooftop and an at-grade patio outdoor dining experience. A Special Use Permit has already been applied to allow the proposed restaurant.

The adjacent existing building at 1094 Piedmont Ave. will be renovated for a combination coffee shop, relocated Skate Escape retail, and small conference space in the 1,500-square-foot structure. Significant hardscape and landscape improvements are planned between the buildings and at the site’s periphery. Trash and loading service will be provided behind the buildings accessed via an improved driveway from 12th Street. Along both streets existing overhead utility lines are proposed to be buried to allow the Midtown standard streetscaping including wider sidewalks and street trees. Parking will be offered nearby off-site via a shared parking arrangement with a nearby parking operator.


The DRC applauded the team for the renovation of the existing vintage buildings. Similar adaptive reuse is recommended wherever possible elsewhere in Midtown. Thus, the committee was supportive of the concept but offered a variety of practical design comments:

DRC Recommendations:

  • A special exception via the City’s Board of Zoning Adjustment is needed for the off-site parking arrangement. The secured parking must be within 400 feet with a minimum of 35 spaces. The same application is also necessary for any outdoor amplified speakers.
  • Relocate the restaurant exterior stair to the side or rear of the expanded 1084 building. In its place, provide the relocated entry door and an elevator or lift (to allow ADA access to rooftop dining area). This will allow more glass fenestration facing the 12th St. intersection per code.
  • Allow for direct pedestrian access to the relocated entry door at intersection of 12th and Piedmont by removing a section of the proposed landscaped hedge. Related, consider movable planters in lieu of a long line of hedges.
  • Provide a larger canopy or trellis structure over the full front patio area to benefit patrons along with a reconsideration of the rooftop canopy design more in line the design of the building below.
  • Increase the number of bathroom facilities for the multiple uses and their patrons.    
  • Clearly indicate bike parking facilities provided on-site.
  • Preserve viable mature trees on-site as much as reasonably possible.
  • If burying or consolidating existing overhead utilities (in coordination with Georgia Power) is untenable, coordinate alternative streetscaping plans with the DRC.

Next Steps: The DRC expects to receive updated plans for electronic review to confirm that these recommendations have been addressed.

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