Recent Public Meetings Help Improve Project Designs
Community feedback validates plans for small open spaces, complete streets in the district.
Published: 10/3/19
In September, Midtown Alliance held three public meetings to gather feedback on specific projects, including proposed enhancements to the 10th Street Bridge, a planned multi-use public plaza space at Peachtree Place and Peachtree Street and updated bike lane designs for the 5th Street Complete Street Project.
Working in partnership with city and state agency partners, Midtown Alliance regularly invites the public to review and comment on infrastructure projects at varying stages of design to make sure the concepts can do the most for everyone. Read more about our three recent open houses and the next steps for each project:
10th Street Bridge Proposed Enhancements
- Project description: Identified in the Connect Atlanta Plan and refined in the Midtown Transportation Plan, the 10th Street Multimodal Enhancement Project calls for multi-modal enhancements to 10th Street between Techwood Drive and Williams Street, including a two-way protected cycle track and sidewalk improvements. Agency Partner: City of Atlanta and Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT).
- Public meeting attendance: 100 people attended the meeting, held Sept. 5 at 999 Peachtree.
- Feedback: The project received overwhelming support, including from commuters who travel on 10th Street Bridge by bicycle, scooter, transit, or on foot. Several people at the open house pointed to the west side of the project, where drivers are trying to access the I-75/85 Connector, as being the most dangerous to navigate on foot or by bike.
- Next steps: The project team is reviewing all feedback and preparing responses to submitted comments. This public meeting concludes the “Concept Phase” of design, and these comments will inform the next phase of project design, which is when the team takes the project design from being a concept to a project that is moving towards construction.
- To follow the progress of the 10th Street Bridge Enhancements, click here.
Multi-Use Plaza Space at Peachtree and Peachtree Place
- Project description: This project will create a plaza space in the heart of Midtown that will provide flexible public space with landscaping enhancements, pedestrian lighting and sidewalk and curb repairs. It would also realign the intersection at the historic corner of Peachtree Street and Peachtree Place to improve safety and connectivity for all users.
- Agency Partner: City of Atlanta
- Public meeting attendance: About 70 people attended the meeting, held Sept. 10 at Atlanta History Center’s Midtown Campus.
- Feedback: We received good feedback on both what type of moveable/temporary pieces should be considered in the space, ranging from art to a temporary library to seasonal lighting, and what types of programmatic activities could occur in the space, including book clubs and pop-up vendors.
- Next steps: Public comments will be used to inform the programming strategy for the space once it’s completed.
- To follow the project’s progress, click here.
5th Street Complete Street Updated Bike Lane Designs
- Project description: Initial concepts shared last year showed public interest in retaining on-street parking and providing more substantial mid-block crossings in the Tech Square area. Updated designs include a protected two-way cycle track, which preserves more parking spaces, and adding elevation to the previously proposed mid-block crossing in the blocks between Williams and West Peachtree Streets. Public meeting attendance: 55 people attended the meeting, held Sept. 18 at Saint Mark United Methodist Church.
- Feedback: As of publication, staff are still collecting feedback.
- Next steps: Similar to 10th Street, these comments will inform design details as the project progresses into the design and engineering phase. Comments and responses will be shared out soon.
- To follow the 5th Street Complete Street’s progress, click here.
“It makes our projects better when we can receive comments from people who live, work and visit Midtown,” said Dan Hourigan, director of transportation and sustainability. “These are the people who will benefit from these street improvements and plaza spaces on a daily basis, and their opinions and knowledge can make a big impact on the project’s final designs.”
Thank you to everyone who attended these events and provided feedback!