Meet Midtown Green's Newest Team Member Yule Quinsey, Jr.
Our newest Green Team member was recruited by none other than his father, Yule Quinsey, Sr.
Published: 02/02/23
Yule Quinsey, Jr. driving the Gator utility vehicle down Peachtree Street.
For the Quinseys, working with Midtown Green is a family business. Yule Quinsey, Sr. joined Midtown Alliance’s Green Team in 2022, and when his son, Yule Quinsey, Jr., was looking for a job at the beginning of this year, he helped bring him on board.
Quinsey Jr.’s first day on the job was at the beginning of January, and the first thing he had to learn was how to get around Midtown. He has previous experience in landscaping and maintenance from working for the City of Jonesboro, Ga. But Midtown is a much more urban environment, with more traffic and one-way streets to maneuver.
Partnering with longtime Midtown Green staffer Thau Hua, Quinsey has learned to navigate the district in a Gator utility vehicle. His duties include picking up trash, emptying trash cans and removing graffiti and stickers. When spring arrives and grass begins to grow again, mowing and pruning will also be part of Quinsey’s job responsibilities.
“Thau does everything on a schedule, from when he drinks his tea in the morning to how he does his route,” Quinsey said. “It has been easy to learn from him.”
Because Quinsey Sr. works in the afternoon and his son works in the morning, the two (pictured left) only cross paths at shift change.
“Seeing him in the same work environment is funny and kind of weird,” he said. “I’ll be honest, I let my supervisor know, ‘Now that I’m going to be working here, I don’t want to be working with my dad all the time.’ But I see him every day before I leave.”
Quinsey is studying to become a Jehovah’s Witness, so much of his spare time is occupied by reading the Bible and attending meetings. He also likes to box, watch TV, play games, make music and dance.