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Construction Funding Secured for New 15th Street Extension

Published 8/2/16

Midtown Alliance's long-term efforts to break up the "superblock" at 15th Street, and create a new access corridor between West Peachtree Street and Williams Street, have received a boost, thanks to commitments from local, regional and state partners.

The Atlanta Regional Commission in June awarded Midtown Alliance a $188K grant to advance planning and engineering designs for the extension. Several entities came together to fund construction, including commitments from Georgia Department of Transportation ($1M), City of Atlanta ($500K from impact fees), Midtown Improvement District ($750K), and private partners.

"This project is critical to reconnecting the street grid and relieving traffic pressure on 14th Street," said Midtown Alliance CEO Kevin Green. "We appreciate our partners coming through with financial commitments that can move the 15th Street extension closer to reality."

Project Included in New Midtown Transportation Plan Recommendations

The 15th Street extension project scope would create lanes for car travel in each direction, as well as full streetscaping, with wide sidewalks, lighting and trees, and a striped bike lane. This project is represented in the soon-to-be-released Midtown Transportation Plan. Timeline for the project's construction phase is to be determined, based on design approval and timing for construction funding.