August DRC Recap: Society Atlanta Tower Project Returns With Refined Designs
Updates include changes to parking deck façade, drop-off and rideshare, and storefront details.
Published: 08/11/21
At the Midtown Development Review Committee (DRC) on August 10, Property Markets Group presented updates to their proposed mixed-use project at 811 Peachtree Street.
The 32-story tower includes 15,600 SF ground floor retail uses, 77,000 SF office uses and 483 market rate apartment units. Cooper Carry explained how the revised plans addressed previously identified issues. This included updating the parking deck facades, burying overhead utilities, adding two drop-off/rideshare spaces along 6th St., reconfiguring access to loading and bike storage, allocating parking by uses, and providing storefront details with dimensions, materials and signage opportunities.
DRC Recommendations
The DRC appreciated the progress made by the applicant since the July meeting. They recommended:
- providing an additional street tree near the driveway along 6th St.
- installing a convex traffic mirror at the driveway exiting onto 6th St.
- extending the Peachtree St. retail storefront toward the stair door
- conducting further study how to connect the alley to the rear service exit and loading bays.
Next Steps: The committee recommended support for Property Markets Group to move ahead with their SAP application with the City.