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Carpooling and Vanpooling

Taking a carpool or vanpool to work has a number of benefits:

  • Split the cost of gas, and earn $40-$60 gas cards each month through Georgia Commute Options

  • Take advantage of the HOV lane

  • In some cases, take advantage of special/discounted parking

  • If you're not the one driving, you can sit back and relax during your commute

  • Help protect the planet by lowering your carbon footprint

Finding a Carpool Buddy

Visit and enter your starting and ending address to see potential carpool partners. You can refine your search by gender, language, most recently active, departure time, return time, days of the week, and more! Once you've found a match, sign into your Georgia Commute Options account or create a free one to contact them! With over 20,000 potential carpoolers, you'll easily find someone to share the ride.

Joining or Starting a Vanpool

Vanpooling is similar to carpooling, but with more people, a larger vehicle, and a central meeting location (like a park-and-ride). Commute with Enterprise helps match commuters with nearby coworkers, provides an SUV, crossover, or van, and helps riders split the cost.

Guaranteed Ride Home

Georgia Commute Options offers a guaranteed ride home service for times when you or your carpool buddy gets sick and has to leave work early. Simply redeem it online and a GCO staff member will call you to confirm and schedule your Uber ride. Click here to learn more.