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Submit An Event

Event Submission Criteria

To list your Midtown event, please fill out the form and submit below. We'll do our best to promote it within our event directory. Read the guidelines below to ensure your event is posted to in a timely manner.  

  • Submitted event must take place within Midtown Atlanta.
  • Submitted event should have appeal to visitors and residents/community members or draw a large number of people to Midtown Atlanta.
  • Annual events located in Midtown Atlanta will be given preference.
  • You must have a dedicated event web address that does not change every year. If there is not a dedicated web address, event organizer should provide either an e-mail address or phone number for contact.
  • No financial seminars, political events, petitions, personal or private events, or events taking place outside of Midtown Atlanta.

Fields marked with * are required

Your Information

This is for our office use and will not appear on the website.

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Please provide a valid email address

Event Information

This field is required
single day or consecutive days
every other
recur on the
day of every month
recur on the
of every month
This field is required
This field is required
Select All that Apply
Please select location above or describe below
If your venue does not appear in this drop down, please provide venue details below.
This field is required
Enter venue information here if your venue does not appear in the drop down above.
PNG or JPG only. Max file size: 5MB.