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Rodin: Myths, Methods, Monuments, Museums

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Event Description
In conjunction with the major exhibition Rodin in the United States: Confronting the Modern, this multiweek course, led by Maria P. Gindhart, will examine sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840–1917), his oeuvre, and his artistic context and influence. Sessions will take place on-site at the High, in the galleries and the education center lecture room, and focus on the mythology surrounding Rodin’s work, his working methods and studio practice, his frequently unconventional monuments, and the museums dedicated to his work and memory.

Week 1—Rodin: Myth and Reality

Week 2—Rodin: Methods, Materials, and Influences

Week 3—Rodin: Unconventional Monuments in the Age of Statuemania

Week 4—Rodin (and Claudel) Museums: Paris, Meudon, Philadelphia (and Nogent-sur-Seine)

This class will meet on Thursdays, October 27 and November 3, 10, and 17 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. On the first day of class, please make your way to the check-in cart located in front of Ellsworth Kelly’s Blue, Green, Red to have your digital ticket scanned. Education staff will greet you and guide you to the education center lecture room located in the Lower Level of the Stent Family Wing.

For more information, please email or call 404-733-5034.